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Cancer Free Recipe screens at Global Healthcare & Management Summit

The filmmaker, Christina Rose, discussed her deep dive into cancer detection and prevention at this year’s Global Healthcare & Management Summit that took place July 3rd and 4th and included Physicians, Scientists, Researchers and Nurses to discuss all aspects on how to improve healthcare and management. Topics included but not limited to “Assessing and Preventing Burnout with Multifactor Measure of Human Performance” by Dr. Reuven Bar-On to Dr. Pamela Cone’s work on “Spiritual Care in Mental Health Settings” to “The Importance of Microbiome in the Prevention and Treatment of Diseases” presented by Dr. Howard F. Robins.

Christina Rose was invited to be part of the Summit and present her documentary Cancer Free Recipe about how a Whole Food Plant Based diet is able to help stop cancer from growing and can even reverse the disease. “My thanks to the organizers, Prashant and his whole team, who put together a very well curated conference from experts all over the world,” Christina Rose said. “It was an honor to be invited and present our important documentary so we could have a discussion on what it is we can do to better our own health.”

About the Documentary:

Cancer Free Recipe is the follow-up documentary to Walking Points: a film about cancer detection dogs. The film explores the intricate relationship and bond between humans and dogs while answering specific questions.

Can dogs detect cancer in humans, and if so, is early detection the answer? Will this create controversy for patients and the medical community? Is there a way to prevent, identify, treat, and cure cancer once and for all?

Johns Hopkins University has stated that despite billions of dollars being poured into research for a cure for cancer, no modern technology can detect cancer in humans at an early stage. However, trained dogs can. The same way that military and police dogs are trained to detect explosives, people, and illegal drugs.

Despite having the most expensive and successful technological devices available to the armed forces, they simply could not compete with the dog’s nose. It is only natural to consider using this ‘detection device’ in the medical field.

Glenn Ferguson and His Dogs

From Gatineau, Canada, Glenn Ferguson has trained his four dogs to detect cancer through a breath test. Glenn’s dogs—Indie, Romeo, Buster, and Jenkins, have proven they can detect cancer at stages 1 and 2 when in a pre-cancerous state. No technological device in the medical community can detect cancer this early.

Using dogs is the most non-invasive procedure. No biopsies, no blood tests, not even a visit to the doctor’s office. All that’s required is breathing into a mask for 7-10 minutes. But there is one problem: because these dogs can detect cancer early, doctors often cannot find the source of the dreaded disease. Unfortunately, a dog cannot tell us where the cancer is to attempt treatment.

Still, instead of waiting for the inevitable, it’s time to recognize there may be something we should all consider. What if there was research documenting that a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet and lifestyle change could prevent cancer, stop cancer growth and even reverse it? Wouldn’t you want to know more?

An Alternative Way to Defeat Cancer

My research took me to visit Dr. Alan Goldhamer of TrueNorth Health Center in Santa Rosa, California and Dr. John McDougall of Dr. McDougall’s Health & Medical Center. They are two of the superstars among a handful of others that practice and recommend an alternative way to defeat cancer.

A noteworthy fact is that in February 2015, the American Cancer Society supported research to stop cancer cells from growing and even reverse the disease with the Whole Food Plant Based diet.

Eliminating Cancer Causing Foods

Then I came across Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s (another Superstar in this field), whose research for over 30 years in the field, funded by the NIH, demonstrated that the protein casein found in animal products (meat, fish, dairy) feeds cancer cells.

Eliminating this protein out of your diet by eating a WFPB diet will stop cancer cells from growing and even reverse this disease. WFPB is a healthier alternative to the invasive and devastating effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Sadly, very few people know about this option. It’s time for people to understand. We hope to share this revelation with viewers and show people how to prevent cancer and reverse it. The bottom line is, I wish to share my findings through this documentary. It has fundamentally changed my life, and it may be of value to others.

To watch Cancer Free Recipe, visit: MirrorWater Entertainment


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