From the MWE Team to you -- wishing you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!
The saying goes "there's always a light at the end of the tunnel" - we only don't know which light it will be: the light of the sun that pulls us out of the dark, grim hole or an ongoing train where we must once again face a new challenge.
We here at MWE know what it means to face numerous ongoing trains and certainly 2021 didn't fall short of being a challenge. Our most successful accomplishment, however, has come in finishing our documentary series EMPOWERED (formerly known as Wonder Women: Shaping the Future) about six women in underrepresented industries from all over the world. Our biggest challenge in 2022 stands before us as we will continue to bring the series to a world wide audience.
"I knew from the very beginning getting this series out to an audience was going to be just as hard as making it," says Christina Rose, creator of the series. "I have heard any and every excuse why these series shouldn't be made in the first place or why it won't get picked up - from being too cinematic to being undercooked; from these women not being famous enough to the whole series needing to be re-done completely. What's at heart of this series though is how these women have faced challenges within an industry where women are underrepresented and proving that the impossible is possible. It's exactly that what we women in the entertainment industry are facing still to this day. However, these six women teach us what is possible and they certainly will inspire you to be a better person, no matter if you are a woman or a man. These women will make you feel EMPOWERED. It's that message we need to hear and one I strongly believe can cause fundamental change in our society to make this world a better place. It's why I chose to do this series in the first place. Just as much as they are underdogs in their own industry, I am too in the film industry. I know that I have a huge challenge ahead but if I learned anything from these six women then I know that I will have to fail numerous times to succeed. These six women have had a major impact in my life -- my thanks goes to every single one of them. I will continue to do anything that I possibly can to bring their message of hope, motivation, inspiration to a global audience in order to empower everyone."
While we celebrated an exclusive virtual screening in December, we want to thank YOU for taking the time to watch the series and sharing your thoughts with us -- we are extremely grateful for your feedback and kind words. We hope to continue presenting the series to a world wide audience in the coming months and are looking forward to growing with our community. Updates coming soon.
As we look ahead, there's much uncertainty and we may feel like another oncoming train is that light at the end of the tunnel but in many ways, it's what we do to keep going that will define us. We are certainly not ones to give up but we will keep going until we see that sunlight. This flower depicted in the picture found that sunlight and survived the cold winter to blossom as beautifully as it has. To us at MWE it is a sign of hope that no matter what challenges you are facing there is a brighter future ahead for all of us.
