If you missed last week's Fourth Annual “Indie Entertainment Showcase 2021” in Park City, please check out the link below where you will find a highlight reel and the link to watch the whole event. It was indeed a virtual success....our thanks goes out to Indie Entertainment Media, Kultura PR International, Cloud 21 - Public Relations and Digital Marketing Agency, Eva Lanskay (check out her new short film MOTEK coming out Feb 14th), Rebecca Leffler (congrats on her Golden Globe nomination for Emily in Paris!), the great and amazingly talented Tony Potts, Kamila Tarabura (check out her Oscar eligible short movie INTO THE NIGHT), itsashort.com, the amazingly smart and fun
Bruno Chatelin, filmfestivals.com on the road and last but not least, the wonderful people behind the whole event Nicole Muj and Gotham La Chandna. Many thanks and enjoy!
For more information: