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The wildfires have finally been beaten. We felt the effects of them on our journey to LA for a few meetings and have been told to stay inside here in Portland due to the poor conditions. We also just came back from a quick shoot in Detroit and are preparing for our shoot for Alaska where we will be filming with Rose, our fishing woman who’s working alongside her two partners Keith and Joe to distribute wild hook and line caught salmon fish to the Michigan area. 

In Detroit we got an inside point of view of the actual distribution and marketing, even visiting Eastern Market with Rose. In Alaska we’ll actually being getting to spend time with her and the crew to experience the actual fishing in the Southeastern part of Alaska. We are gearing up, making sure we are prepared for the very remote and unknown conditions, packing space food (just in case) and practicing our fishing skills. 

We are very excited to be sharing this experience with you as we hope to not just tell the story of women in the fishing industry but we are also exploring other industries that have a female underrepresentation. We are currently identifying and researching those women and cannot wait to share updates with you soon. 


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